Middle East: Maki Igarashi and the Red Cross Middle East ...

Middle East: Maki Igarashi and the Red Cross Middle East ...

Middle East: Maki Igarashi and the Red Cross Middle East ... Middle East: Even a year on top of the Japanese beauty-stone among the Arab! ~ Middle East and Japan The Middle East seen from Japan, might be distant. However, in the quest heart is strong Arab countries to beauty, in fact, Japanese culture (Sakura, Manga (Mazinger Z, Captain Tsubasa), Hello Kitty, green tea Kit Kat, sushi, etc.) who love a lot, Toyota, Sony Holding the adoration as a technology powerhouse, such as Japan heat of surprisingly here, we have overflowing here and there. In its comfort, or [Japan Number One (Japan best!)] To have been idolization [Japan] is, can be how to expand the support to not betray their expectations? Or can I do to help that can not be only to a different Red Cross is the support from the European countries that have continued to support many years in the Middle East? Complex Middle East culture and history, whether in the political situation to the vagus reduction, it is possible to assist in what position? To the Middle East on the stage Among the passion and the many questions, the Red Cross is, that was the start of a comprehensive approach to the current Middle East crisis, 0 years.

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